GBT and CCS1 DC Fast Charger for South America


grasen dc fast charger case for america

This charging station is located in South America. The customer ordered a GBT and CCS1 DC Fast Charger. Grasen EV charging stations support simultaneously charging with two ports of different charging standards.

Multi-language charging interface with 8'' LCD touchscreen

The charging interface has a simple design and is very easy to operate. Besides Chinese and English, we also have French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Finnish, Romanian, and Thai versions. A custom language interface is also supported.

Multi-language charging interface

Dynamic load distribution

GRASEN DC fast EV charging stations can realize dynamic distribution without downtime. Users can realize ultrafast charging with a single port(e.g. 120kW output) or charging two vehicles simultaneously with dual ports(60kW output each).

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