Countries worldwide have implemented calibration laws to ensure that public EV charging stations provide accurate and transparent information to drivers. This benefits the driver by clearly showing the charging cost. On the other hand, it also requires charging station manufacturers to undergo a certification process to guarantee proper calibration of their hardware and software.
As the growth of DC fast charging infrastructure continues, businesses intending to invest in this technology should be aware of these calibration laws. While challenges exist with measurement accuracy for DC chargers, this article provides essential information for businesses to make a future-proof investment.
A calibration law is a legal requirement to ensure a device is able to accurately and transparently measure the product it delivers.
Calibration laws are crucial for ensuring transparency and accuracy in the delivery of goods and services to consumers. This includes public EV chargers, which must be calibrated to measure the accurate amount of electricity delivered to an electric car in order to invoice the correct amount.
By offering a clear and transparent charging experience, businesses can build customer trust and enhance their brand reputation. Ultimately, calibration laws serve as a global mechanism for protecting consumers and ensuring fair business practices across different industries.
As many countries develop their regulatory framework around EV charging infrastructure, many have yet to formalize specific requirements around EV charging equipment calibration. However, some already have active laws and regulations in place, let’s take a look.
Germany has the strictest calibration law, with its Measurement and Calibration Act introduced in 2019. It requires charge point operators to ensure that their prices are “reasonable, easily and clearly comparable, transparent and non-discriminatory.”
The French government started implementing calibration laws for EV charging infrastructure with its Decision n°22.00.570.001.1 from the 1st of March 2022. It sets out requirements for testing and manufacturing DC charging equipment. The certification process is managed by the French National Laboratory for Metrology and Testing, and all DC charging station manufacturers selling to the French market need to get certified.
Choosing an EV charging station from a calibration law-compliant manufacturer is smart for businesses. It ensures that their infrastructure will be future-proof and meet government standards without costly replacements or upgrades.
By complying with regulations, charging stations can showcase their transparency and dependability, which in turn builds trust with consumers. It assures them that the station can accurately measure their consumption and charge them correctly.
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